HISTORY  2003 - 2024

 A Tribute to Tafesse Kidane  

   “Your WORD is a Lamp to my feet 
   and a Light to my path.”  
   Psalm 119:105

  Total Distribution: over 16,000 Bibles

    Thank you to all who have supported this ministry 
      over the years!  God bless you all!


        Immanuel God With Us is incorporated by Tafesse Kidane                 in the State of Arizona. 
    A support group includes friends Alice Williams, Dorothy Hanson,               Kebede Kumsa, Daniel Cona, and Kevan Delaney. 

Immanuel God With Us Prayer Gatherings and TV programs.
Immanuel God With Us first board meeting on Sept 30, 2004.  
Tafesse Kidane, Carol Petersen and

Pastors Tammy Barba and Sanghoon Yoo present.
  Immanuel God With Us name changed to 

Immanuel AMEN (All Multi-Ethnic Nations) 
 First Immanuel AMEN Prayer Gathering Oct 21 at

Metro CitiChurch, Tempe.
 Project Salem Bible Distribution Fund-raiser December 11

at Ethiopian Church in Phoenix. 


First Bible Distribution led by Tafesse Kidane, 

followed by 5 Bible Distribution trips through 2013.


Tafesse Kidane Bible Distribution Yabelo 


Tafesse Kidane Bible Distribution; meeting with Ato Yilma,

Ethiopian Bible Society


Tafesse Kidane Bible Distribution; youtube testimonies


The GreenStone Dream, April 2010, as told by Tafesse Kidane.   

Name changed to GreenStone Ministry 


First Memorial Day Picnic Fund-Raiser 


Tafesse Kidane first GreenStone Ministry Bible Distribution;

      Bahir Dar  and Monastery; very sick on return 


GreenStone Printing LLC is established.


Addis Kidane is added to GreenStone Ministry Board of Directors and Pastor Sanghoon Yoo resigns
Final Tafesse Kidane Bible Distribution with

Kevan Delaney and Pastor Gideon
Death of Tafesse Kidane on November 14


On June 1, Immanuel AMEN is dissolved and all assets, including GreenStone Printing LLC, are transferred to GreenStone  Ministry.
In May, GreenStone Ministry becomes 501(c)(3) 

non-profit corporation. 

GreenStone Ministry Board of Directors is formed: 

Addis Kidane, Abeba Gola, Carol Petersen,

Pastor Tammy Barba and Kevan Delaney.
GreenStone Ministry Bible Distribution is led by a  team of 12 Ethiopians and Americans including Addis Kidane, Kevan Delaney, Rick Widner, Carol Petersen,   Abeba Gola, Tigist Telaye,        Dorothy Hanson, Girma Odda,  Bisrat Delelegn,

Frey (van driver) and 2 translators.
            Abeba, Addis and Carol meet with Ato Yilma Getahun,                      Director of the Ethiopian Bible Society.


Copyright permission to print Bibles is denied.
 GreenStone Ministry mission continues:
Short Term Bible Distribution to rural remote areas.
     Long Term print-on-demand commercial quality digital printer         

to sustain  future Bible distribution.
  Connections made with RISO Arizona, RISO Africa and RISO Ethiopia. It will primarily print children’s literature.


Bible Distritubion led by Abeba Gola with Girma,   Aster, Degafe, Engineer, Aschenky, and Frey


Bible Distribution led by Abeba Gola with Rick and  Gail Widner,

Abraham, Girma, Worku and Frey 


Bible Distribution led by Abeba Gola wiith Ayelew, Tigist and Frey


First Bible Distribution led by local leadership,

Pastor Gideon, Ayelew and Frey

“ONESIMUS Print and Book Shop” (OPBS) Project Proposal  is announced.  The shop will be located in Addis Ababa and  will include the GreenStone Print-on-Demand commercial quality digital printer, Tafu Book Shop and Tafu Library.

2021 - 2024

Bible Distribution continues led by a team of Ethiopians.

                             The original Immanuel AMEN Board of Directors:

Carol Petersen, Tafesse Kidane, Pastor Tammy Barba, Pastor Sanghoon Yoo